Establish Limited in Germany now!
The English or Maltese legal form of the Limited has numerous advantages for the partner against your German counterpart of the GmbH. Thanks to valid judgments of the European Court of Justice, Limited in Germany is also fully commercial and contractual, so that it is in no way inferior to the GmbH and enjoys the same rights (but also obligations). However, since the Limited is still based in the United Kingdom or Malta in Germany, a number of legal obstacles have to be taken at the time of its establishment, which must be strictly observed so that the Limited is also eligible for business in Germany and recognized by the Financial Authority and other institutions. We at St. Publius help you safely navigate the cliffs when you set up your own Limited, so you can concentrate on what is really important to you: your business!
The Benefits of Limited in Germany
While the capital of a traditional German limited liability company remains at EUR 25,000, a limited company with a share capital of one pound sterling (GBP) can be established. This has the advantage that liability risks can be effectively eliminated for the Limited since the Company is liable only up to the amount of your registered capital. By setting up the Limited, the shareholder can secure his private assets, since he is liable, but only the company, up to the amount of the capital stock. Through a limited liability company, German legal forms, including the persons behind them, can be anonymously and legally and effectively anonymised. In many cases, the establishment of a Limited can also save on taxes. However, this depends on the individual case and should in any case be discussed with a tax advisor. The advantages are:
- low equity
- Anonymous management of your business
- Securing your private assets
- in many cases tax breaks
This is what you need for the Limited in Germany
As a rule, after the establishment of your Limited, you will be able to conduct your business from Germany, even if the registered office is located in the UK or Malta. This is an independent branch, which is admissible but has to be registered in the commercial register. You will also need a certified registration certificate, a certified translation of the company contract, as well as the original company agreement with the signatures of all shareholders. Once you have entered the commercial register, you can register the Limited with the responsible commercial office.
We help you with the Limited in Germany
In contrast to pure start-up agencies, we not only help you set up your Limited, but also support you with our full-service offer in the current business. This means that you are independent from other service providers at your company headquarters and always have a competent and personal contact.