Tax Exemption with a Malta Private Foundation
With a foundation in the form of a Ltd. – everything will work perfectly for you!
Many foundations in Europe and in the world follow mainly non-profit goals. In order to fulfill its objectives they require sustainable sources of income. In order not to lose the charitable status, it is allowed only partially to be economically active. Instead, many foundations set up a corporation in the various legal form which has the main goal is to secure the inflow of funds. Prominent foundations such as the Bertelsmann Foundation and the Robert Bosch Foundation are examples.
Foundations with activities or property abroad make consistent use of foreign legal forms such as INC or Ltd.. In Europe, the company form of a Malta Ltd. is especially interesting. The possibility of tax-exempt, allows a nonprofit foundation to reduce the tax burden of commercial activities to 5%.
St. Publius would like to outline for your existing or to-be established foundation, the benefits of a Maltese Ltd. in person.