Readers of International Living Magazin chose Malta as the Destination with the best climate.

Dear Reader,

For many people, an important consideration when moving overseas is the weather. Usually we yearn to escape harsh winters, snow, rain…and dream of living in a place where the sun shines every day and you don’t have to worry about scraping ice from your car before heading out to buy some milk!

Where is the best climate in the world?

We here at International Living often get asked this question. This is, of course a matter of preference. Some people like to have a sharp, cold winter followed by a long, warm summer. Others want to eliminate the cold altogether and have sun year-round. And others prefer a more temperate climate…not too hot, not too cold, just somewhere in between.
If climate is a major factor for you when deciding where to retire/buy a second home/start a new life overseas, then we are here to give a little help Each year, we compile a list of the best places in the world to retire. We rate countries according to categories like cost of living, infrastructure and climate. In this report, we’re going to share with you the top 10 countries according to climate. The list is varied and diverse (you may be surprised when we tell you what country came out on top in this category…I know I was!)…some of these places will appeal to you, others may not. Read on and discover the countries we think have the world’s best climate.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Flynn
Publisher, International Living

#1 Malta

Lagoon, Malta

Don’t be embarrassed if you can’t pinpoint Malta on a map. It’s not on everyone’s radar, and mostly unheard of by Americans. Malta is anchored almost in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, 60 miles from the Italian island of Sicily, which is linked to Malta by regular 90-minute ferry service. There is a modern airport at Luqa (on Malta) with flights to numerous other European countries. Rome is but one hour away by plane. Fair weather, averaging 5.2 hours of sunshine a day—even in December. Right into November, daytime temperatures often nudge 70° F.
Spring comes early, around late February. Frost and snow are mostly unknown. There is winter rainfall, but it tends to come in heavy bursts for short periods. And, while the islands boast few sandy beaches, there are compensations: Summertime brings a round of colorful village festivals complete with fireworks.
Diving and sailing are excellent. You can play golf, go horseback riding, and attend trotting races. The second-oldest theater in Europe is the Manoel Theatre, in the capital of Malta, Valletta. In the cooler months, October through May, you can see opera, theater, music, and ballet there.

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